Before you read it, I'll admit first that I'm not vegan or vegetarian (though I was for a couple of years--then the siren song of bacon & chicken strips got me). I doubt that this blog post will convince you to become vegan either, but I think it would be great if we could all cut back on the animal products. I won't launch into a long explanation about the heavy toll meat production has on the environment--that's what the lovely infographic is for!
My plan is to institute a day a week where we don't eat any meat here in the Sprog household. Not that we're necessarily huge carnivores, but we've been eating our fair share of pigs, cows, chickens & fish lately. Do you want to join us in having a meatless day (or two or maybe three?) a week?
If you're not sure how eating less meat could impact the environment, please read on:
Infographic by
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