
Thursday, July 21, 2016

How Car Sharing & Family Biking Go Hand in Hand + ANNOUNCEMENT

Picking up a Modo car to visit family in Coquitlam
I was recently unlocking our bikes & was approached by a stranger who had questions about the bakfiets. This wasn't unusual, because we have people asking questions about both our cargo bikes all the time. He has two kids & is looking at replacing their Chariot trailer with a cargo bike to be their main family vehicle. They're already long time members of Modo The Car Coop, & don't own a vehicle, so he needs no convincing that a cargo bike would be worth the money.

What struck me after we spoke was that I've had similar conversations a lot lately. There are a lot of families out there who are discovering that it's just not necessary to spend all that money owning a car or two in Vancouver. I think the increasing popularity of cargo bikes is helping, but that's underpinned by the fact that car sharing in Vancouver has become mainstream.

When I started volunteering with Modo over a decade ago, I talked to a lot of people at various events to whom car sharing was a totally foreign concept. I honestly had many conversations where people just couldn't fathom how sharing cars worked, & I often got the impression that they thought we were a bit nuts.

Now, with over 2100 car sharing vehicles in Metro Vancouver & tens of thousands of members, everybody seems to understand what car sharing means. It feels like common knowledge that even if a family doesn't own a car, they can still get access to one as needed for trips out of the city, rainy days, furniture shopping, or sometimes just for fun.

Aaaaand here's the announcement:

If you'd like to see how carsharing works with biking & a family, watch for us on Instagram! I'm taking over Modo's account for a week starting today!

Disclaimer: As an Official Blogger Ambassador, Modo will be providing me with some driving credits & I'll be blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, & Instagramming about our adventures big & small with Modo. I've already been writing about carsharing for years, so if you've been following me for a while, expect more of the same!

To follow my Modo travels, & the other Modo Blogger Ambassadors (there are a few of us!) click on the hashtags #LetsModo & #MyModo & follow @Modo_CarCoop on TwitterInstagram, & Facebook.

Follow Spokesmama here too:

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