The bike racks we could see were behind stairs & a thick crowd of people, so we parked at the hotel across the street, which had a nice corral of widely spaced rings, perfect for getting even a bakfiets into. The kids danced & sang, ignoring most of what was on stage, since they couldn't see it through the crowd anyway. They particularly enjoyed the mascots & numerous stilt performers at the show, as well as a few very friendly dogs who also attended. There was hot chocolate by donation & elves handing out candy canes & then at 7pm, thousands of lights all came on to illuminate the three large & one massive tree set up in the square.
A little later, we bundled the kids back onto the bikes & headed back through the bike lanes eastward. Though the forecast called for rain the whole time, it only really rained for a minute or two on our way home. We were all dressed in head-to-toe rain gear, so we stayed warm & dry the whole evening.
I hadn't been to this event before, but we'll definitely go back again next year. It is so simple to ride to--parking bikes is a breeze right there. The kids had fun & we got them home by 8pm, so it wasn't a particularly late night.
If you're interested in coming on the next group family bike ride, or chatting about family biking with other parents, join the Vancouver Family Biking Facebook Group.
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