The ultrasound room at Children's has interesting toys |
Here are ten things about 17-month-old Bronte:
- This month Bronte has been obsessed with closing the plastic buckles on the Beco carrier, bike helmets, papa's bag, stroller, high chair. She can't open them yet (probably a good thing!) so as soon as she clicks them all shut, she runs over to me, yelling for me to "Ope! Ope!"
- If she hears a bird, it's called "bood", but if she sees one, she says "duck".
- Bronte has started singing, sort of. Not really able to hold a tune, but she knows some of the words to this one: "Tweeko, tweeko... daoh... how I wah... wadoo aaooh... uppah bah..."
- Bronte has started dancing--stomping or rocking her torso side to side while bending her knees. It's ridiculous & adorable. I really should get a video.
Waiting & playing in orthopedics
- She's starting to eat harder fruit like apples--she usually just wants to gnaw at mine when I'm eating a whole one--but still prefers squishier ones she can eat more easily.
- B figured out how to put on her own gumboots & wears them in the house most days.
- She impressed all the specialists at the BC Children's Spinal Cord Clinic with her vocabulary & fearless climbing.
- I think I can call it: Bronte is officially a runner. I can't take my eyes off her or she'll take off. At the hospital, during our slew of appointments yesterday, she kept running off into exam rooms or out into hallways.
- After her latest hip X-ray, the orthopedist recommended she wear a hip brace while sleeping. Unfortunately, she's inherited my hip issues, but hopefully the brace will help her develop properly & avoid problems in future.
- Bronte has had a growth spurt lengthwise & is now nearly 31 inches tall, but still hovering just below 24 pounds.
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