
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Eight Favourite Christmas Songs

Are you playing Christmas music in your house? To be honest, we haven't played too much yet. There are a few that will definitely be on heavy rotation in this house though. They're not all strictly Christmas songs, but they get me in the holiday spirit.

Here are my top favourite holiday songs, including links if I could find them so you can listen to them too:

Douglas Mountain, by Raffi

Boney M's Jingle Bells

Meli Kalikimaka, as sung by Bing Crosby

Joni Mitchell River

kd lang's version of Halleluja

Bing Crosby & David Bowie singing Little Drummer Boy

John Lennon's Happy Xmas War is Over 

Christmas at the Zoo, by the Flaming Lips 

What are your faves? Do you like the traditional carols or the more modern pop stuff?

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1 comment:

  1. I like Bing Crosby's White Christmas too. And also any of the Christmas songs by the Barenaked Ladies. I have the CD in my car, and we listen to it alllll month. Oh, there are a few beautiful ones by Sarah McLachlan too, I can't remember the names. I love that version of Drummer Boy you mentioned. And the Hawaiian song. And ALL of Raffi's Christmas songs! I wish I had a CD of them for my kids. :) (no.really just for me! Haha)


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