
Saturday, December 13, 2014

DIY Decorating Thrift Excursion to Value Village

Did you read my tips for DIY Decorating on a Budget? Go ahead, pop on over. I'll wait.

Hey! Nice to see you back! Now that you know my thrifting secrets, here's how my Value Village shopping trip went. For the tablescape challenge I headed to one of the Value Village stores near me (the Victoria Drive location, if you were wondering) to peruse the racks. I was expecting a lot of knick-knacks & I wasn't disappointed. I went in with an open mind & tried to look for what things could become, instead of just what they looked like at the moment.

First thing to go in the cart: a metallic red dimpled ceramic bowl. I am pretty sure this will be awesome when it is no longer red.

These little trees remind me of one my mom has. Except hers has all the coloured 'lights' still. I already have plans for these two.

These did not come home with me but I was tempted by the kitsch factor of these chubby little holiday candles.

I saw a lot of colourful ceramic churches, houses, & other buildings, but these white ones just grabbed me. My aunt has a little Christmas village that she sets up on her mantel every year. I think I'm going to create one of my own...

If you need shatterproof baubles, try Value Village--this massive lot were $10, I think? We already have a set like this.

Always worth perusing the bagged up doodads for potential craft supplies. Didn't find anything to take home here... this time.

Tempting, very tempting.

I may have to go back for some of these. I have a weakness for goofy Christmas socks. But I was already a bit over budget, so maybe next time...

Oops, forgot to bring my own bags. I did, however, bring some extra padding for the ceramics. This is about the only way to use disposable diapers twice.

Somebody was quite enamored with the tiny little buildings & immediately set up a parking space for his Fiat. It was adorable... until he dropped one of the trees. Ugh. Ceramic tree on ceramic tiles smashed to bits. So many bits that I couldn't even use a lot of them when I glued it back together. The newly reconstructed ceramic tree is at least 10% hot glue now.

Stay tuned to see the results of the next step! (Hint: it will involve spray paint)

Disclaimer: I received a $25 gift certificate from Value Village to participate in the Tablescape Challenge, but was not otherwise compensated for this post.

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