
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Christmas Gifts with Impact: Hope in Shadows Calendars

Have you started thinking about Christmas shopping yet? Have you got anyone on your list that you just don't know what to get? Maybe a coworker in the Secret Santa gift exchange, or a sibling who already has everything? I've got a suggestion for you: a Hope in Shadows calendar. 

This year's calendar features a photograph by Sonia Samuels, one of 250 participants in this year’s Hope in Shadows photo contest. This is the 12th year of collaboration with Downtown Eastside members sharing photographs & stories focused on what is meaningful about their community.

Sonia’s photo is one of thirteen compelling calendar images, each one telling a different story about the Downtown Eastside community. Once the contest wraps up & the winners are chosen, thousands of the gorgeous large-format colour calendars are printed. Then the Hope in Shadows street vendors speak to thousands of people from all across the city, sharing the stories and building bridges between communities. Every calendar purchased creates employment opportunities for those hard-working vendors: They buy each calendar for $10 & sell them for $20.

You can create positive change in your community through one simple act: buy a calendar.

Sonia's photo is featured on the cover of this year’s calendar and captured the contest theme "the community we have built". You can read Sonia’s story here

Look for licensed calendar vendors around transit hubs, busy pedestrian intersections & all over downtown. Purchase a calendar for yourself, & give another one to family or friends. Sharing stories like Sonia's can help change perceptions so many have of the Downtown Eastside community.

The action is easy, but the impact can be huge: Buy two calendars, give one.
Look for vendors when you're out, or check the list of locations & usual hours on the Hope in Shadows site here.

Follow Spokesmama here too:

1 comment:

  1. I got my calender the other week and it's quite lovely. It's also nice being able to support a vendor. :)


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