
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brontë 1.2

The most noticeable developments this month for Brontë have been walking & talking. She said her first sentence: "up wee wee", asking to go in the swing. She usually demands things by gesturing toward them & saying "yeeaahh!" or "heeeaah!" She's been fairly consistently adding one or two words a week to her vocabulary & is now at about 20. I'm keeping track of her first 100 words here.

Brontë constantly climbs things, getting up onto Yuba & into seat early in the month. She also gets onto ride-on toys & tries to scoot, though she generally gets off quickly in favour of pushing them around at a running pace.

As of the last few days, Brontë's started walking at least as much as crawling, & can cross a room without falling down. Like her crawling, her walking pace is high-speed. This kid is unafraid of anything so far. She loves going down slides (called "wee wee", just like swings), including the ones designed for older kids that are 6-7' high.

My attitude toward Brontë's utter lack of fear is to take a cue from Free Range Parenting & allow her to climb as much as possible so that she'll learn to do it well & know her limits. Theoretically, this will be safer for her. So far so good--she rarely falls due to misjudgment or lack of coordination. Most of her bumps on the head are from her brother knocking her over.

It's been a challenging month sleep-wise. I think the big changes (starting to talk, walk) plus having a bad cold are behind her two to three wake-ups a night. Also her seventh & eighth teeth. I know the next teeth to come in are likely going to be doozies too--molars & canines.

Despite the broken sleep & teething, Bronte continues to be a very happy, friendly & outgoing baby. She loves interacting with anyone, strangers included, & is always shouting "Hi!" to get people's attention when we're shopping or at the park.

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