
Saturday, August 9, 2014

CSA Pickup with the Yuba Mundo

Our Yuba Mundo makes CSA share pickup easy & fun.
This year we joined the Tinka Orchards CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) again. What does that mean? We bought a $250 share of the proceeds of this year's harvest at Tinka Orchards. We'll get over 100 lbs of fruit, mainly plums, and probably some apples and pears later in the season. It's our second year, but this year we're splitting our share with some friends. We're also doing things differently with the pickups: rather than booking a Modo car for each of the pickups a few kilometres away from home, we'll bike there with our Yuba Mundo.

This past week the first batch of yellow plums were ready & made their way from Tinka Orchards in Summerland all the way to East Vancouver. We biked over to the pickup location (another CSA member's house) to collect our two boxes, totalling 24 lbs. They fit perfectly, one in each GoGetter bag. I'd brought Linnaeus with me, but Bronte was at home, so the weight was only a few pounds more than riding with both kids. Easy!

Though Modo cars are way cheaper than owning a car, having our Yuba means we will be car sharing quite a bit less. Which means we'll be saving money. Every Costco trip saves us around $15 we would previously have paid for a Modo booking and the CSA pickup runs will save about $10 each. Just those two things will probably save us $400 this year. That, combined with some other hauling we've done, like the shelf, paving stones and probably some more to come, as well as using public transit less too, will likely add up to $600-800. So our Yuba will pay for itself in three or four years.

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