
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bronte 0.11

Climbed the dozen steps up to the front door
Full of personality

This past month I've really seen a lot of baby B's personality developing. She's turning into an assertive, determined little thing who's very interactive with strangers & always seeking eye contact from people around her. Her relationship with her brother is changing a little--they're starting to play together quite a bit now, chasing games (because she's quite fast on hands & knees) & just general squealing merriment. I keep trying to get a video of it, but every time I get my camera ready, they've moved on to something else. I promise I'll keep trying!

#EatAllTheThings (Including Mama)

Besides paper products, Bronte's favourite things to eat are papadums, avocado, & pretty much any kind of fruit. Though deciding on a favourite is tricky as she'll eat pretty much anything, warm, cold, sour, bitter, spicy, crunchy... you name it. Feeding her on the go is still really messy, but she's gotten the hang of taking bites of things like Larabars or bananas if you hold it out for her.

Science World windowsill
Bronte is definitely a very oral baby--she puts everything in her mouth, loves to eat all kinds of different textures & temperatures of food, plus she loves her pacifier. She'd have that thing in most of the day if we let her. I'm trying to mainly limit its use to helping her get to sleep for naps & bedtime. Along with exploring things with her mouth, Baby B constantly chomps on my arms, shoulders & basically whatever she can get her teeth on. I actually have tiny little bruises on my arms here & there from the little rodent teeth she's got now. The biting while breastfeeding sort of comes & goes. Here's hoping the last bout was the last ever... Ouch!

Naptime, sometimes

She isn't really napping while we're out anymore & her first nap of the day keeps creeping later & later to the point where she has only one. One nap is a bit easier to plan around, but I'm not sure she's quite ready for it yet. She's also not falling asleep nursing as much anymore. It's not a totally foolproof way to get her to bed or nap, which is sad. Breastfeeding really feels like a magical superpower when I could make a baby sleep with it.
Bronte's mobility is increasing. This month she figured out stair climbing, despite rarely getting practise (we have no stairs in our house). Her mobility during diaper changes is pretty epic too--she generally manages to flip herself over at least twice during even the fastest of changes. Though not walking independently yet, she keeps lifting her legs up while she's cruising along the couch & bathtub, so I think climbing furniture is coming soon. Eek!

Hello Everybody!

As for language development, Bronte sort of says mama when she's upset & sometimes says hi to people. She nearly always waves when greeting or saying goodbye, however, which is ridiculously adorable. I can see that she's starting to understand language too.

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