
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Can't Blog... Spinning...

Although I look miserable here, I love the class!
Whew, it's been one of those weeks... Got so busy I actually forgot to blog for a few days.

One of the reasons I'm a bit more busy is a good one: I've started taking fitness classes again. At the moment, I'm just doing one a week--Mom & Baby Spin & Strength, with Fit4Two--but I'll be adding in one or two more a week soon. Callie, who runs the East Van franchise, has also asked me to be a Fit4Two ambassador. This means I'll take classes for free while I help promote Fit4Two.

I thought I'd take you along for the ride too, on my quest to get back into shape. I'm trying not to focus on the number on the scale, but I'll tell you this: a month ago, before I started classes, I weighed as much as I did when nine months pregnant with Linnaeus. Not really happy with that.

My goals are to fit into the clothes I love & to feel as fit as I did about three years ago when I was doing Fit4Two stroller bootcamp twice a week. That means being able to run for a few minutes without feeling like I might die. That means being able to do a dozen proper from-the-toes pushups. It also means working on my core strength so that my diastasis (abdominal muscle separation) is under control & my belly doesn't 'tent' when I engage my abs.

It does not mean I'm going to obsess over losing a specific number of pounds. It does not mean I'll be going on any diet. I should try to eat healthier but I'm not sure life would be worth living if it didn't include at least some chocolate, cheesecake & cookies...

Follow Spokesmama here too:


  1. Awesome! I loved fit4two classes and would have adored having one that included spinning. And excellent score on becoming an ambassador!

    1. Thanks, Eva! I've tried a few kinds of prenatal & postpartum fitness classes, but the one-on-one attention & level of training of the instructors with Fit4Two just keeps me coming back. :)

  2. You have a great approach to losing weight.
    Eat dessert first, life can be uncertain ;)

  3. Looking forward to hearing about your progress - go, Lisa, go! :)


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