Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 Things in My House That Need to Be Fixed

My first thought upon reading this topic was, "This should be really easy to write", then I thought "Only ten?". We live in Vancouver, BC, a city with some of the highest priced real estate in the country, or the continent, really. I think a few American cities like New York City & San Francisco are probably more expensive, but nothing else in Canada is pricier than good ol' YVR. So that we could afford to buy a home in the area we wanted, we had to get a fixer-upper. & though we've done some fixing up, we're nowhere near finished this huge project. So, without further ado, here are ten things that need fixing in our home:

  1. Our entire kitchen. & by fixing, I mean gutting to the studs & rebuilding completely. 
  2. Our bedroom curtains. I've never gotten around to hemming them, so they're too long. The hooks they hang from don't stay attached to the track that they slide on (yup--rather than a rod, we have those awful noisy track thingies behind valances that seemed so popular in the 50s-70s.)
  3. All the tile floors: the entryway at the front door, the kitchen floor, the hall & bathroom all feature ugly, white tiles with cracks & a missing piece or two.
  4. The walls. We need to paint most of the house--we've only done the bedrooms & bathroom. 
  5. The living room floor. two thirds of it is decent quality oak narrow plank flooring with inlay around the outside. The other third was done later, I guess, & badly. Neither part is properly finished & the whole thing is a dingy light tan that I don't really like.
  6. The ceilings in the living room & kitchen. The whole house has that unfortunate spray-on textured stuff, but in these two rooms it's particularly scarred from moved electrical outlets, odd seams & removed walls.
  7. The front door. Not only is the paint peeling, but the lock is stiff too. 
  8. The exterior paint job. I kind of like the colours of my house--it's olive green with white trim & a bright red door--but it hasn't been painted in a long, long time. Our eaves are peeling & there are uneven areas in the green as well as some patches at the back of the house since we redid the deck last summer.
  9. The bathroom tap is loose. I installed a new one a while ago, but never quite got the tap cranked down tight enough, for fear of cracking the ceramic sink. It works well & doesn't leak, but moves around in a way that it shouldn't.
  10. Our entire bath/shower area. The tub is probably original to the house & has some chunks of enamel missing. The walls are tiled with these hideous white tiles that have fake pink marbling & if that wasn't bad enough, I think these tiles are slapped on over top of the old ones.

There you have it. Some--seriously, there are a lot more--of the things we need to do with our house. Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever get around to all of it, particularly the big things like the kitchen. With two little children, I can't really imagine how going kitchenless & having a construction crew in the house for six or more weeks would work very well.

What about you? What do you need to fix in your home? {lease tell me it's not just us & you've got a laundry list of fix-it to dos too... Let me know in a comment below!

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  1. There's a lot of things we'd like to do...but our house is livable without the changes. A lot of things we're waiting to do until the kids are kinder to the house! Our playroom floor is dipping in between the floor trusses-the laminate was layed the wrong way, should be perpendicular to the trusses, not parallel. That's not a cheap fix-we'd have to redo the whole main floor! Paul would like to change it to hardwood. All the walls need a repaint, need new knobs on the main and basement, I'd like to redo a few bathrooms. Removing a lot of the clutter and TOYS from our house would make things look better too. Once the mortgage is paid off, we'll start a few of these things. Our contractor came in a few weeks ago and replaced a pocket door, fixed 3 other pocket doors, and adjusted about 6 other doors in our house so they open and close properly (including the front door). Oh, and helped us replace the lightbulbs of that inaccessible chandelier over the stairs. Such little things, but we are really enjoying the results!
    I think all houses are money pits. There are always things we need to do, and want to do to fix them up!
    Oh, and our driveway is so cracked, we'd like to get it replaced, as well as the back sundeck/patio.

    1. Haha, yes, the chandelier... at least we can reach all our light fixtures, basic as they are...

      I didn't even get into exterior stuff--I'd love to rip out our driveway & install something narrower, more green & water permeable. At the moment our backyard is 2/3 concrete. :P

      Thanks for sharing your list!

  2. We need an entire interior repaint. We moved in 3 years ago and still have the scuffs, holes and dents from the previous family who had 4 kids! A new kitchen would be nice, definitely new appliances since ours are total "builder's specials" that just...generally suck. The master bathroom is a gorgeous space but also builder's special in terms of fixtures and layout, and a very poor use of space. Nowhere to store stuff! A tub across the room from a basement-suite-style shower stall! etc. Overall though it is very live-able and we keep deciding to take trips instead of bother with the house. The structural and functional stuff is up to date thanks to my handy husband, it's just the design and decor stuff that is lacking.

    1. Just having a second bathroom would be incredible. Not sure where we'd put it though--we'd definitely have to lose a bedroom.

      I'm still unsure if renos or moving would be better...

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. that's qutie a list...and I agree with you it's going to be tough to redo a kitchen with to little kids...I can't imagine how you will handle taht...maybe a project when they are MUCH older!

    1. There's no way I can last until they are much older to fix this kitchen... it'll fall apart around our ears before that!

  4. We rent, but we still have a list: walls need painting, etc. But the biggest one is a NYC oddity: install wall fixtures. Rental units here in NYC don't tend to have overhead lighting in rooms except for the kitchen, front entryway, and sconces in the bathrooms. It's cheaper for landlords not to deal with fixtures, etc, so renters are expected to use floor lamps. And that's fine, except... toddlers. So we are installing our own wall fixtures in our rooms... when we get around to it. For now, it's a bit dark in the living room at night. We have a clip lamp attached to our freezer pointed at the living room ceiling, and that helps a bit!

    1. I know what you mean about the lighting. We've got an overhead light in the living room--it's on a fan, horribly bright & glare-y, so we never use it. We've gradually accumulated three other lamps that provide just enough light. So far none have been knocked over by toddlers. Several near misses, though... wall fixtures are probably the way to go.

  5. Luckily, we rent. Sometimes it's not any faster having the apt maintenance folks fix our problems, but it sure it easier. I'd say less of a headache, but that's not true either.

    1. Yeah, when we rented a house that was very similar to this, it had many of the same problems & there wasn't much we could do about them if the landlord didn't want to change anything. At least we could here... if we could afford it!

  6. With us...we have a lot of things peeling away from the wall (molding), things hanging by a ....(bathroom door needs a couple anchors), and things that fall apart (towel rod and the shower rod that I forgot until now), and things held together by tape (like one of my refrigerator racks).

    1. Oh, yeah, we have this great *indoor* molding that's around the *outside* of the front door. Predictably, it warped & then got screwed down by some genius. Looks fabulous, I tell you. I could write another of these lists with just the outdoor things...

      I have an idea for your fridge shelf though: there's a great product on the market, relatively new, that can repair that kind of thing. It's like playdough, but made of silicone, I think? You mould it onto what you want to fix or change & it sets in a day or two. It's called Sugru & you can buy it online.

  7. We have a lot of similar things on our list too...I didn't even get into the whole bathroom gut and reno that I'd love to do to our downstairs bath (the one the Husband & I use) and all the cracked tiles/worn out wood floors. Okay, now I'm getting frustrated! Hopefully you can get yours fixed quickly!

    1. Yeah, this was definitely a stress-inducing list. Perfectly timed to be just after the six year anniversary of moving into our house, reminding me of how few things we've accomplished (on the house, anyway) in that time.

  8. I forgot our front door!!! I honestly never give it any thought because I don't enter from that door, hardly ever. It could use a good coat of paint. For the one time that I had a fleeting thought about doing this, I wondered about doing a lively color. Wonder if the Hubs would go for a vivid turquoise?

    1. Ooh! Turquoise! That'd be awesome with a lot of other colour combos. With a yellow, grey or brown house that had white trim. Turquoise & black with red would be amazing. Turquoise can look great with green... so many possibilities!

  9. We booked the paint guy for the exterior way before the season. No one in this area wants to take a chance in March so he gave us an amazing deal just to keep his worker busy. One guy, three days, half the price. Looks great! And you guessed it: it was sunny the whole week!!!


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