Monday, December 9, 2013

YVR Bloggers Meetup + Daddy Blogger Interviews Spokesmama (Video)

This month, Ricky Shetty, AKA DaddyBlogger, asked me to be the featured blogger at the YVR Bloggers Meetup. I'll be speaking briefly about & what I've learned along the way. There will be a panel of experts speaking on Search Engine Optimization, building your media kit, a musical performance,plus Santa is going to make his appearance. It's educational, entertaining, & a great networking event. There are a few tickets left still (only $10).

YVR Bloggers Meetup
6-9pm Wednesday, December 11th
Waterfall Building
1540 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver

See you there?

Also, in advance of my YVR Bloggers talk, Ricky interviewed me on a Google Hangout. We spoke about blogging, car-sharing, cycling, monetization & more while I breastfed hungry little Bronte.

Follow Spokesmama here too:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome interview, Lisa - thank you for sharing your insights about blogging! :)


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