Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Parenting two: Easier but Harder

Okay, despite starting with four hours of sleep (in three parts, no less) I had an awesome day last Wednesday. Got a few errands done & picked Sprout up from preschool on time, even wrote a blog post in the morning. Then I managed to bake three dozen muffins & got to go baby-free to a blogger meetup in the evening. There I won a door prize--a SnackBox--& came home with some fun swag, including a new book for Sprout: Which Way Back, put out by the Knowledge Network.

Someone asked me how it's all going with a second baby & I said, "It's easier, but it's harder." Having to divide my attention between two children can be so difficult sometimes. Some days I feel like it's impossible to get anything done & everything I try to accomplish ends up half finished or not even started. The fact that I've just finished this short blog post a week later gives you an idea of how the rest of the week went.

On the other hand, I'm a lot more confident & relaxed with wee Brontë because I've been through it all before with Linnaeus. Wednesday was one of those days where I felt like I can do this. I can survive & even do all right at this mother-of-two gig.

That plus being there for moments like this one make it all worth it:

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  1. What a couple of cuties! And don't worry it gets easier parenting two- easier and easier!

  2. That is adorable!! And I think "easier but harder" sums it up exactly:)

    1. You're the experts--all those people who've survived having two kids for three, five or even ten years! I'm relying on you all for advice or at least commiseration!

  3. They are too cute! 3 dozen muffins is such an accomplishment. We're contemplating a new addition to the family to make us 4 and I'm so excited. Easier but harder is a great way of looking at things :P

    1. Don't contemplate too hard or you'll never do it! ;)


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