Sunday, March 24, 2013

Listicles: 10 Ways You Know It's Spring In Vancouver

Cherry blossoms. Photo by Daniel Peckham, via Flickr.
Unlike most of the rest of Canada, here in Vancouver, we've actually had spring weather lately. Well, except for that brief bout of snow/hail/sleet (depended on what part of Metro Vancouver you were in) yesterday. Anyway, here's my list: you know it's spring time in Vancouver when...
  1. People have been wearing sandals without socks for three months now.
  2. You sometimes intentionally leave the house without an umbrella.
  3. There are suddenly cyclists everywhere.
  4. The tulips & daffodils are in full bloom (crocuses came out in February).
  5. The dogs in Yaletown are no longer wearing boots.
  6. You've already spotted your first shirtless man walking his dog.
  7. When you order any drink at Starbucks, they ask you if you want it iced.
  8. Half the people in your Facebook feed have cherry blossom pictures as profile or cover photos.
  9. The other half of your Facebook feed is Canadians elsewhere telling Vancouverites to shut up already.
  10. Lululemon has put out new sheer yoga pants for spring. 
*If you have no idea what #10 is about, read the FAQ on Lululemon's site. Then read this hilarious article on Gawker. :)
Can you think of any other signs of spring in Vancouver that I missed? What are the signs in your city?

Linking up to all the other Listiclers via Stasha at NorthwestMommy. Check out their lists too by clicking on the button to the left.

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  1. Wow! Sounds like its been warmer up there than here in the South! (USofA) I am SOOOO ready for my feet to finally thaw out!! Great list! I shall check out your blog! :)

    1. Ha--well, the thing is, people in Vancouver will break out the sandals as soon as we get a dry day with the temperature above 10 degrees celsius, which you probably don't consider that warm!

  2. #6 can either me ewwwww or WOW! Which do you see mor eof?

    1. LOL, yesterday's Shirtless Man Sighting wasn't too bad...

  3. I did not know this is how Vancouver rolled! Jealous! Can't wait to check out the yoga pants because I need a good laugh with schools being cancelled . . . again. Ellen

    1. If you just google "Lululemon sheer yoga pants" you'll find a lot to laugh about. The company is totally making hay with it & I can't say I blame them. Here's their recent store window:

  4. Three is a great feeling!! I love biking and seeing cyclists everywhere.

    1. YES! I'm heading out on my bike today, in fact. :)

  5. Sounds like you have more spring than I do down here in NJ!

  6. Oh dear. We did have an unfortunate snow/sleet/hail incident recently, but I have to say today's weather is very spring-y. Here's hoping the weather where you are will catch up soon!

  7. Vancouver is exactly like Portland (and Seattle) in these ways! Haha about the yoga pants!!

    1. These cities are so similar, despite being in two different countries. Must be the West Coast air or something... :)

  8. I am laughing my lululemon butt off. Awesomeness!!


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