Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolutions 2012: The Score

I just remembered today that I'd made a list of resolutions last year, so I thought I'd check to see what I actually accomplished from my list. Here's the results:
  1. include more political/social commentary into this blog. I didn't really do this a whole lot, though I did write about Shanti Uganda, We Day, the Hope in Shadows project & a few posts about my neighbourhood that might be construed as social commentary...
  2. continue blogging daily. DONE!
  3. earn more money than last year with writing, stilting & making. Definitely. However, more than last year was a pretty easy task, honestly.
  4. sew more. Kind of a vague resolution that I think I probably didn't accomplish.
  5. eat more whole foods & less unpronounceable stuff. Again, not easy to measure. Pretty sure I failed at this in the last month of the year, anyway.
  6. continue minimalizing: sewing room, garage, Oli's office, improving while downsizing my wardrobe. I'll give myself a partial on this one. My sewing room looks worse than ever, as do the garage & Oli's room. I have gotten rid of several garbage bags of clothing, at least.
  7. restart renovating/decorating work on our part of the house. Hm. We replaced the bathroom sink & that's about it. I give us a C- on renovating.
  8. get more active again, specifically: hike & cycle more. I definitely cycled a lot more than 2011. No real hiking at all though, which is a bit depressing. We've spent far too much time in the city this past year.
  9. take Sprout out more to kid stuff like gym, the park & swimming. We didn't go to a lot of kid gyms once the weather got better, but we did spend a fair bit of time at the parks, water parks & pool, as well as the Mount Pleasant Family Centre drop in so I'd say we accomplished this one.
  10. travel more, including camping. Nope. We hardly went anywhere in the last year.
  11. be more mindful. Hmm... no idea. Too vague to measure in any way.
So, I got through about half my resolutions. This year I want to do many of the same things. I don't feel like writing an official list, partly because I know I'm going to be busy with a few major things this coming year (more on that later). I'll keep trying to eat better, exercise 40 minutes a day on average & work on getting Sprout playing outdoors daily. Mainly I want to have more fun this year: more travelling, even just short trips to the various islands around Vancouver; more hiking & getting out into nature; more date nights--I think we've had two since Sprout was born, gah.

Have you made official resolutions for this coming year? What are yours?

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