Sunday, January 13, 2013

10 Best Movie Quotes

I'm far from a movie buff, but quotes from movies have become such a part of our culture that I use them in everyday conversations. Tell me you do too--I'm not a total dork, right? If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen some of these. So this list isn't so much the best ones but more the ones I find most useful

Just to make it that much more fun, I'm calling POP QUIZ! Which movie is each one from? No Googling! I'll post the answers in the comments below at the end of the week. 
  1. "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
  2. "Say hello to my little friend!"
  3. "He's only mostly dead."
  4. "You talkin' to me?"
  5. "Help, help! I'm being repressed!"
  6.  "...get me the machine that goes PING!"
  7. "They're heeere!"
  8. "Bueller? ... Bueller? ... Bueller?"
  9. "Go ahead. Make my day."
  10. "If you build it, he will come."

What are your favourite movie quotes? Do you use them in conversation? Don't forget to leave your guesses about which quote comes from which movie in the comments below! 

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  1. The Beuller one cracks me up everytime.Great picks.

    1. I felt like saying it ALL THE TIME when I was teaching ESL, but there's no way they would have gotten it. I think most of my students were born since that movie came out.

  2. I did a quiz too! Same rule - no Googling!

    Let's see..
    1. The Godfather
    2. Scarface
    3. ?
    4. Oh geez...Al Pacino right? ugh...
    5. Nope
    6. Big?
    7. Poltergiest
    8. Ferris Beuller's Day Off
    9. Dirty Harry
    10. Field Of Dreams

    1. Doing pretty well... #6 isn't 'Big' though. Thanks for playing!

  3. How could I forget Bueller off my list? A fun list to read.

    I can fill in the blanks on one of the above #4 is Taxi.

    1. Almost... "Taxi _____". Taxi was the TV show from around the same era. ;)

  4. Awesome quotes! Well, at least the ones that I knew. lol

  5. Man I think I only know 4 of them! I can't wait to see the answers!

  6. I love Bueller! We do that to our kids and they look at us like we are nuts!

  7. 1) Godfather THREE (not 1)
    2) Scarface
    3) Princess Bride
    4) Taxi Driver
    5) Monty Python Holy Grail
    6) Monty Python Meaning of Life
    7) Poltergeist
    8) Ferris Beuller
    9) Dirty Harry
    10) Field of Dreams

    1. DING DING DING! You win the... well, there's no prize, but you WIN! :)

  8. I got Scarface, Dirty Harry and Field of Dreams. Beyond that I'm smiling and nodding with a "that sounds familiar" thought. :D

    1. These quotes have just become so prevalent that they've detached themselves from their original movies.

  9. #3 - The Princess Bride, #8 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off and #10 - Field of Dreams. Beyond that, I got nothing...unless I cheat by looking at the other comments!

  10. I enjoyed the quiz! Looks like Rob got them correct...or at least a lot closer than I did ;)

  11. Well I know 6 for sure ;) I gave birth in Engand nd could not help but think bout that scene as we were driving out to hospital.... Great stuff, love how you I'd this.

    1. Eek, that would be a scary image to have in labour. I was too far gone by the time we were en route, so I was only concentrating on *not* pushing until we got there. Hopefully your birth experience didn't actually turn out that way, though? :)

  12. Sounds like a few of us did quizzes. Aren't we clever. Tee hee. Sadly my forte is kids genre. ;P

    1. Hah! Yeah, I'm sure mine will be soon once Sprout is old enough to watch movies much. He'll often sit through them, but it's hard to find anything that's really appropriate for a two-year-old. The less screen time the better at his age. :)


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