January promises to be a big month in Sproutland: I am attempting to accomplish not one, but two major goals. Complete weaning & toilet training. Before you call me crazy for doing them at once, more or less, I'm not expecting the weaning to be a big deal for Sprout. It'll probably be more profound for me, to be honest.
He's ready. He's only been breastfeeding once or twice a day for a long time now. Lately it's gotten to the point where he doesn't ask for 'noms' in the morning or the evening on most days. I offer (mainly out of habit) when putting him to bed, but he's actually started refusing sometimes. So it's to be a gentle weaning: I'm just not offering anymore, but I won't refuse if he requests 'noms'. It's been about three days since he breastfed & the two or three feedings he did have before that were pretty brief.
Breastfeeding has been a very convenient way to comfort Sprout & help get him to sleep, but over the last year he's grown out of needing it for either purpose. I rarely use breastfeeding to calm him down & the last few times I've offered in that situation, he's barely latched anyway. Though it was amazing to have a way to calm him down after he hurt himself or when he was scared or overtired, I don't feel like either of us need that anymore. Cuddling him on my lap seems to do the trick at night & in many other situations.
I'm confident that Sprout & I have benefited as much as we can from breastfeeding. I have no regrets about nursing him to sleep for years--he falls asleep by himself just fine now, thankyouverymuch. I'm proud that we made it to 29 months in spite of the major struggles we had along the way with pain, latch issues, low milk supply, thrush infections, biting & distraction.
So ready to say goodbye to these guys! |
Toilet training, on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. Weaning has just been a gradual process over the past two years. Getting him to go sit on a potty when he needs to pee or poo is a major shift from wearing cloth diapers nearly 24/7 since birth. I'm nervous that he's going to dig in his heels & I'm trying to figure out what method(s) are going to work best for him.
We've got two dozen tiny pairs of undies, three potties stationed around
the house & I'm preparing to clear my calendar for at least a week
to stay close to home & get the groundwork laid. We've had him try on underpants & practise pulling them up & down, which he's not that good at. I made a big deal about them being a 'big boy' thing, which seemed to work with other transitions we've made.
I'm just not sure what to do about nighttime since he seems to be waking up with wet diapers a lot again. For a while I found he was often waking up dry, but not lately. Whether to use diapers if we need to go out is a question too. I feel like it might be better to go 'cold turkey', but I'm really not sure. The one thing I'm sure of is that every kid is different & whatever method I choose will work better if it fits with his personality & how we do things in our family. The idea of toilet training is starting to make me anxious--I want to figure out the
best way to do this so that it doesn't drag on forever or traumatize
either of us.
However, I am very eager to say goodbye to diaper laundry, rashes, bubble-butt that makes clothing harder to fit, change-table wrestling matches & always having to pack an extra bag of bulky diapers around.
Your advice & experience is welcome--maybe you have an idea that might work for us? Please leave a comment!
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