@northwestmommy #Mondaylisticles suggestions: 10 Things Totally 80s OR 10 Tweetsor
— AnotherBottleofWhine (@KateWhineHall) December 9, 2012
@northwestmommy Even though I've personally done it, I'd still love to see other's 10 crushes for #Mondaylisticles #Fun
— AnotherBottleofWhine (@KateWhineHall) December 10, 2012
For me, it was down to a choice between 80s or ten tweets. As we're in the very last hours of 2012, I decided to choose ten of my tweets that sort of summed up the year. Using All My Tweets, I pored through nearly 2200 tweets from 2012 to find the best ones. Narrowing it down to ten was near impossible--sorry--so I present to you my list of 14:
Dude on the #145 bus: are you deaf or are your earbuds just THAT CRAPPY?
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) February 23, 2012
I spent hours & hours commuting to university by bus last spring, while finishing off a speech sciences certificate. I do actually like taking the bus most of the time. Sitting there reading, tweeting or playing games on my phone sure beats paying attention to traffic, finding a parking space & all the other crap that comes with driving. But seriously, could all the MP3 player users of the world just get better headphones so I don't have to hear your shite music?!?
First ride of the season yesterday--19km with toddler in tow. Legs are okay but I clearly need to break in my ass again. Ow.
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) March 26, 2012
First bike ride of many this past year!
Love these great bursts of creativity at 2am. Hate having to wake up less than 8 hours later. #nightowlangst
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) April 3, 2012
Unless forced to get up in wee hours of the morning (I consider any hours 'wee' if they're single-digit) for work or something, my schedule slowly shifts to semi-nocturnal.
Hmmm... haven't worn my stilt pants since pre-baby. Wonder if they'll fit? If not, anybody got a pair with a 72" inseam that I can borrow?
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) May 3, 2012
I finally got back into performing on stilts after a lengthy hiatus due to belly-full-of-baby, etc. Happily, my first few gigs involved roomier dresses. For this gig however, I needed to wear my clown costume: pants. Not long before my screen test, I confirmed that, sadly, my pre-baby bum was slightly smaller than my post-baby bum. Being a metre taller than your average gal brings with it some wardrobe difficulties, I can tell you. Nothing the addition of a bit of fabric in the back seam couldn't fix!
#VanKidsFest Mom Blogger signing off! Really fun to work with @vicf @harrietglynn & @limelitepr this year! Thx ladies! thesprog.blogspot.com/2012/06/kidsfe…
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) June 3, 2012
Getting picked to help promote the Vancouver International Children's Festival via social media was awesome. I loved helping get the word out about Kidsfest & getting to go for free (not to mention some of the preview events & soirees) was really just the cherry on top. If you want to see photos of what fun Kidsfest is in Vancouver, check out my posts on our first day at Kidsfest & Kidsfest: Day Two. This event is definitely a highlight of the year for us & I can't wait to go again in 2013!
Biking over to the @museumofvan for the @vancouver_mom top blogger soiree. Woot! #vm2012
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) June 14, 2012
Thanks to some of you (I assume), I was nominated as one of the Top 30 Vancouver Mom blogs. Winning a spot in the top 30 came with a lot of perks, like getting to go to the big soiree for free, not to mention prizes & a fair bit more attention for The Sprog. An unexpected & far better benefit was the camaraderie that developed among the other top 30 bloggers. We've kept in touch via Facebook & had several get-togethers in person. I've learned a lot about blogging from this group of women.
"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father. Prepare to die!" #VCFAMT
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) July 30, 2012
We took Sprout to three of Vancouver's outdoor movies this summer: The Princess Bride, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, then Labyrinth. He loved them--well, the first & the last one, anyway. Riding along the Seawall on a mild summer evening, bike valet parking, popcorn, blankets & a movie on a giant inflatable screen--all FREE: what's not to like?
Dancing to the Carnival Band jam while we wait to go on set. Not a bad way to make a living. :)
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) July 26, 2012
I got a stilting gig as background in a Huggies commercial (this is what I did the aforementioned screen test for). I was part of a circus troupe featuring acrobats on trampolines, stilt walkers, fire breathers, unicyclist, horse riders & the fabulous East Van institution that is the Carnival Band. Doing extra work for TV or movies generally ends up being a whole lot of "Hurry up & wait!", aka, boooo-rrrringgg. However, hanging out with about two dozen circus performers for two days straight? So much fun! Oh, & if you want to actually see the Huggies commercial, it's here on YouTube. You can see me in the background for a second or two--look for red pants, black jacket & yellow shirt.
1st night in 'big boy bed' (foamie on floor): Sprout woke 5 hrs early, went upstairs in Oma & Opa's unbabyproofed house as we slept. :S
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) August 4, 2012
This road trip featured a subcompact car, hours of my father-in-law driving us around, temperatures over 40 celsius & a skin infection requiring two separate prescriptions each for Oli & Sprout. Not one of my favourite trips, I have to admit. I'm hoping that we'll be able to do some slightly more successful travelling with Sprout this coming year.
Heading to the #FoodCartFest @waldorfhotel for a late lunch. Most delicious parking lot in #YVR!
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) September 23, 2012
Over the last summer we spent a few afternoons trying to track down bourbon caramel bacon brownies from our friends' bacon-based food cart, Pig on the Street. When we found out that they would be participating in a weekly gathering of some of the best food carts in the city at the Waldorf Hotel, we were justifiably stoked. This is also the event where I found (food) love at first sight: pupusas from Guanaco Truck, a Salvadoran food cart.
Just ate the best danish I've ever had @sweetsaltbakery ... which is 3 blocks from home: DANGEROUS.
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) October 17, 2012
In the summer I was whining that a kid-friendly cafe needed to open up in my neighbourhood. I wrote a wish list of sorts here in An Open Letter to My Dream Cafe. Four months later, Sweetsalt Bakery appeared & fulfilled nearly every item on my list. I'm still waiting for a place that has good beer AND a play area though. :)
Waiting for Archbishop Desmond Tutu to arrive at the press conference. #weday #Vancouver
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) October 18, 2012
I got the opportunity to go behind the scenes for Vancouver's We Day to video blog for Telus & then sat in a reserved box for the big event. It was pretty cool, though not knowing who most of the musical acts were made me feel a bit old. You can check out my post about We Day if you want to know more. Here's the final cut of the Telus for We Day video I contributed to.
Watching the local chickadee population gorge on the seed in our new feeder. Nearly emptied in TWO days. #hungrybirds
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) October 26, 2012
This is better than TV--we look out the living room window & see all kinds of birds eating, flying, doing bird stuff every day. I've even downloaded an app to help me identify which birds are which. (I know, I'm a nerd)
Fairy upchuck. #InspirationPass #BeatyBiodiversityMuseum@ Beaty Biodiversity Museum instagr.am/p/SbtBFhP8LL/
— Lisa Corriveau (@blauelibelle) November 25, 2012
Once I got a phone upgrade (thanks Telus!) & actually had a relatively recent Android operating system that could run it, I joined the dark side: Instagram. It's been, "Sprout! Freeze! Mama needs to Instagram this!" on a daily basis since then. When we had our Vancouver Inspiration Pass (free admission to over a dozen musems, galleries & other attractions in the city) I became a total Instagram-a-holic.

Click the button over there to the left & head on over to NorthWest Mommy's Listicle Linky if you'd like to read more lists like the one above. You can even join in the fun & link up your own list too!
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Your tweets are much more interesting than any of mine! FUN list! thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks! This was fun to write, if a *tad* narcissistic... Heh.
DeleteYes, mine too!
DeleteYou are such an interesting person, let alone blogger. You totally deserve to be on of the Top 30 Vancouver Mom Blogs. Ellen
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks!
DeleteI have just discovered Instagram - I am still figuring it out, but it is awesome! Great list of tweets!
ReplyDeleteInstagram is pretty addictive... watch out! ;)
DeleteHow fascinating! You've been doing some awesome stuff this year! And I'm a nerd about the birds in my backyard too. Have a book where I mark off what we've seen and the date. :-)
ReplyDeleteA book? With the date? You're definitely ahead of me there. ;) It's been a really fun year in a lot of ways, yup. 2013 is already shaping up to be pretty interesting too...
DeleteStilts? You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteMeh, you should see some of the crazy stuff my fellow circus performers can do. Fire breathing, crazy trampoline manoeuvres, contortions, juggling, unicycle... Next to them, I'm boring.
Delete"Legs are okay but I clearly need to break in my ass again. Ow." - I have felt that pain! LOL Very fun and interesting tweets!
ReplyDeleteIt's just my bike telling me I've been away too long! This year I have been riding right through the winter, so fingers crossed I won't have to break it in again this spring! :)
Delete"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my 6-year-old son's favorite movie lines. He loves to say it, usually with a sword in his hand!
I'm very impressed by your stilt walking. My nine-year-old wants to learn how to do this.
I don't recommend just figuring it out on your own though... a course is the way to go--that's how I learned--particularly for a nine-year-old. Kids are FEARLESS when it comes to this stuff but unfortunately, stilting falls can be nasty.
DeleteDo you live in a city that has a circus program for kids? Or any arts organizations that might run classes?
Ha, between twitter and Instagram you are are real busy hipster ;) you look good in 140 characters or less!! Happy new year xo
ReplyDeleteThanks, Stasha! You too! See you on the interwebz in 2013. :)
DeleteThey were all SO INTERESTING to me, but the most interesting was the stilts...that is just plain awesome and inspiring!
ReplyDeleteAll in a day's work for me. :) Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteLove the idea of 2012 in Tweets!
ReplyDeleteReading this brought back lots of memories of Vancouver - which I love - and I need to go there again soon! We went to the Beaty Museum in August and I love the blue whale.
It was our first time there--so interesting. Taking a tour was REALLY worthwhile.
DeleteAwesome! I had something outrageous and slightly obnoxious like 10,000 tweets so wouldn't even know where to begin!
ReplyDeleteYou ARE a bit of a Tweet-a-holic... But we love ya anyway! ;)
DeleteThat is so cool that you perform on stilts!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, it's a fun way to make money. :)
DeleteI wonder who decides to give awards to (or recognize) bloggers? I mean, you have the Vancouver Mom Bloggers thing....so I gotta wonder if there's anything for Washington Bloggers. Haven't heard of anything yet.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a pretty cool year!
I don't really know of many blogging contests like the Vancouver Mom one. But it seems like there should be something... if I hear of anything, I'll let you know!
DeleteIntroducing your kids to Monty Python at a young age makes you awesome. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteOr a bit nuts... luckily, he didn't start parroting anything from the movie. Imagine a two-year-old running around saying, "I fart in your general direction!"
DeleteSo fun! Way to get back on your stilts. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's way too much fun not to get back into it!
DeleteAh, the New Year, when people everywhere are reminded that it is time to break in that ass again. :-)
ReplyDeleteIsn't that on everyone's list of resolutions? ;)
DeleteYour tweets are so entertaining! I barely tweet anymore. I think I am just far too boring!
ReplyDeleteTry playing with hashtags: one of my faves is when I start complaining about something trivial, then tweet it, accompanied by #firstworldproblems.
Delete"Break in your ass" - BWAHAHA! I remember the first time I took a cycling class and the instructor told me not to worry about the pain in my lady bits: "Don't worry; they'll toughen up." Um...I don't want them to toughen up!
ReplyDeleteI'm on mat leave and going back to work the beginning of March. It's going to take me the whole next two months to work myself back into a socially acceptable schedule. Because having been left to my own night owl devices for several months, I now go to sleep around 3AM every morning. Unfortunately the toddler gets up at 6AM. Hello exhaustion!
I hear you... sleep is always the first thing to suffer for me. Though I can't complain about having an earlybird child. He's a night owl like me!
DeleteBreaking in your ass again had me shaking my head in understanding. I'm still feeling jealous of your beautiful tweet boxes. I suppose I should add learning some technical stuff inline. I couldn't get the beautiful screen shots of my tweets. Could maybe have something to do with writing the post at 7am. Geh
ReplyDeleteGoogle, my friend. Google is the answer! Just search for 'how to embed tweets in a blog post' & you'll be doing in in minutes!
DeleteI'm thinking I am boring on Twitter. Your tweets are so much more interesting!
Nooo... I just cherry-picked the best ones. The other 2186 were quite uninteresting, I assure you. ;)
DeleteYou had a very interesting 2012, Lisa! I'm glad that my 2012 included meeting you!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2013! (yes, that's a weak pun referring to your stilting!)
Ha, thanks! See you around Instagram! :)