Naps are all over the place right now. Sunday & Monday Sprout slept very briefly. Tuesday not a nap to be seen. He woke up at 10am (because of his late nap the day before) then got cranky & sleepy during dinner around 7pm, but got a second wind & didn't sleep until 11ish. Wednesday he nearly fell asleep in his lunch by 1pm, then resisted sleeping once I was doing the usual routine of breastfeeding him down. I put him in his crib with some toys & books for some quiet time, at least. After about 90 minutes of playing & a little protesting, he fell asleep & stayed down for a couple of hours.
Running past the mural in the basketball court at the Mount Pleasant Family Centre |
Sprout is 'singing' constantly & now seems to know 90% of the words of his songs. I say 'singing' because it's relatively tuneless. I'm crossing my fingers that this doesn't bode ill for his musical abilities & he'll learn to carry a tune later. This week's faves include "Twinkle Twinkle", "En Haut, En Bas", "Ladybug" & the one that goes "Hurry, hurry drive the firetruck". He's also started singing parts of "Hush little baby", which is pretty adorable. He continues to parrot everything & everyone--not just us, but birds, random strangers, the neighbours, dogs, people in videos.
We spent nearly all our time at home out on the deck, either in the wading pool (until
the raccoon got at it Monday night, that is) or in the swing. Having a deck with a roof over much of it has been awesome this year. We can take advantage of the great weather without getting direct sun. Which is important when you have a baby as lily white as this one...
Getting some air time, aka, 'Free Willy' time |
Water parks are still not a favourite. Sprout's quite suspicious of the spray nozzles, fountains & water curtains there. He doesn't mind splashing around in a shallow pool & liked the tidal pool part of the water park at Lumberman's Arch on Tuesday. So I'll keep slathering the sunblock on him, tying on his floppy hat & dressing him in his sun guard suit.
I keep watching for signs that he's ready to potty train, but we're definitely not there yet. Hopefully before the weather cools down too much we'll be able to take a crack at it. I need to be patient though--I keep hearing that the earlier you start, the longer it takes. Seems like it works quickly if they're good & ready.
Riding the teeny rails at Confederation Park |
I'll leave you with a few fun firsts from the past week:
- First tattoo--don't worry, it's not permanent
- First orange juice--more interested in playing with the juice box than drinking, Sprout squirted a lot of it everywhere
- First time on a miniature train (we rode the one at Confederation Park at his buddy Aiden's birthday)
- First time staying awake for 13 hours straight
- First time riding all the way around Stanley Park with Sprout in the iBert--we don't really go on long recreational rides that much--it's just how we get around
The tattoo on his forearm says 'Transit stole my heart' |
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Free Willy time that is AWESOME I love it!!