Monday I got A LOT of exercise: first we walked up to The Outpost for lunch with Nana & Gumpa. Then I biked out to Kits with Sprout in the trailer to pick up his 'new' runner bike. After dinner we biked to Auntie Sarah & Uncle Aaron's place in Fairview to drop Sprout off, then headed down to Granville Island for the Kidsfest opening party. All the walking & biking added up to 95 minutes!
Tuesday the only walking I did was to the Mount Pleasant Family Centre & back--a total of about four blocks. Not enough to count as official exercise, even though I was wearing Sprout. After all the riding the day before, however, I think taking the day off was fine.
Wednesday was our first day at Kidsfest. We biked there in record time--20 minutes--because we took the more direct route. We took the scenic route home, about 25 minutes riding.
Despite the fact that is was Bike to Work Week, Thursday we took it easy & didn't do any biking at all, just walked down to the library & back. I wore Sprout in the Beco all the way there, but he actually walked more than half way back by himself. Kid likes to walk. :) Total walking time was about a half hour.
Friday turned into a rest day with very little exercise to be had at all. Saturday we went to Kidsfest by bike again, getting me about 45 minutes of good exercise.
I am feeling a little more fit these days, but I have to say my knees are a bit achy from all the cycling. I've been trying to gear down more to help, but I'm still a little stiff.
Weekly total: 250 minutes! Over my weekly goal of 30 minutes a day. :)

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