Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Resolutions 2012

After sorting through last year's resolutions & giving some thought to what I'd like to do this year, I came up with a huge list. I got distracted & it became more of a To Do list, so I've condensed it. It's still more like a goals list, however. What are resolutions supposed to be anyway? This is what I've got so far:

  1. include more political/social commentary into this blog
  2. continue blogging daily
  3. earn more money than last year with writing, stilting & making
  4. sew more
  5. eat more whole foods & less unpronounceable stuff
  6. continue minimalizing: sewing room, garage, Oli's office, improving while downsizing my wardrobe
  7. restart renovating/decorating work on our part of the house 
  8. get more active again, specifically: hike & cycle more
  9. take Sprout out more to kid stuff like gym, the park & swimming
  10. travel more, including camping
  11. be more mindful
Have you made resolutions for this coming year? What are yours?

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