As much as I loved Sprout's silky blond hair, it was well past surfer chic & into sheepdog territory. We've had to shampoo it quite often because of the sheer quantity of food he managed to work into it at meals. I thought about taking him to one of those kiddie hair places with the toy cars they get to sit in, but wasn't sure that would go over well. Plus, I just never got around to organizing an appointment around his nap schedule & my school schedule.
Luckily, I know a hair stylist who does house calls for special clients. I called
Michael Barry Anderson (who happens to be my cousin) to come over & do the cut. Michael generally cuts hair in his apartment, but we knew it would be easier to do this in Sprout's own baby-proofed space, with lots of distracting toys at the ready.
We started out with Linnaeus on my lap, which he put up with for most of the hair cut. For the last few snips, trying to even out the sides, I held Sprout while standing, he sat in the high chair, laid on the floor & even tried the swing outside. After much patient, cautious snipping with the scissors, our baby (who was often mistaken for a girl) had transformed into a little boy.
Here is the whole process in photos:
Started out on Mama's lap. |
Moved to the living room floor. |
Then on to the high chair for a snack. |
Yes, I kept some. |
Next we tried in Mama's arms with harmonica. |
Then on the swing outside. |
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