I wonder sometimes how many hours I've spent in the past year & a bit with Sprout snoozing on me. Sitting on the couch, usually, half numb legs folded up under me, often awkwardly hunched forward over him to reach my laptop as I am now. Sometimes it drives me a bit nuts to have a baby who refuses to sleep in his crib in the day time. But I try to enjoy the feeling of 20-something pounds of baby, arms & legs akimbo, mouth falling open, dozing across my knees, because I know he won't be doing this forever. Someday he won't want as much cuddle time. Someday he won't nap anymore. Someday he will grow bigger than me.
Here are a selection of photos from the last year, all of Sprouty conked out on me.
17 days old: too hot for me to wear a shirt. |
3 weeks old, face-down to make his tummy feel better. |
One month old, smiling in his sleep. |
At the Ukulele Circle, conked out during the last song, six weeks old. |
Likely the only photo we have of him with a pacifier. (Two months old) |
Nap time at Auntie Sarah's place, three months old. |
Too-big fleecy winter sleeper, four months. |
New Year's Eve, four & a half months old. |
Sleeping through the second period of a Giants game in the first row. (Five months) |
After a few good books. Six months old here. |
My handy-dandy lap-warmer at seven months. |
My little potato head is almost eight months old here. |
Nine months old, having some noms while sleeping. |
Eleven months old, still fits in my lap. |
Almost thirteen months, napping & snacking simultaneously. AKA The Boob Nap. |
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