Thursday, August 26, 2010

8 pounds 0.5 ounces

So as of today at the midwife's office, Linnaeus has regained his birth weight. With all this supplementing & pumping, he gained 4.5 ounces in just under three days. Until our next midwife appointment on Monday, I need to continue the hectic schedule of:
  1. change diaper to wake him up, 
  2. get donor milk ready & warm, 
  3. breastfeed til he slows down, 
  4. insert lactation aid tube & fiddle with it til it's working, 
  5. offer the rest by bottle if necessary,
  6. pump 20 mins, 
  7. clean everything, 
  8. sleep. 
 Somewhere in there I need to eat, take my supplements & tea... wish me luck.


  1. Do your best to keep to the schedule but try and go easy on yourself and enjoy this time. It will all work out Lisa. You will get into a rhythm that will work. You will be fine! Remember to breathe.

  2. It's so disheartening at the moment because with all the extra gear required, it's much harder to go out anywhere. That's one of the reasons I planned to breastfeed--it's way more portable. Also cheaper: donor milk from BC Women's is $5 for 120mL, the formula we've been recommended is about $4 for the same quantity. We're using about 240-360mL a day to supplement at the moment.

  3. Relax and breathe! This isn't forever. Your little boy is healthy and thankfully the only things suffering right now are your social calendar and your bank account (and maybe a little bit of your sanity - not your wee babe. Someone told me that mommyhood is a marathon - you run until your legs fall off but yet it always feels worth it <3


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